Photos of Conan in Movies

Spartacus Season 02 To Feature Conan Stevens

Sunday, 31 July 2011

I can now formally announce that I have signed with the Starz TV series SPARTACUS. As such I am now again in New Zealand preparing for my role during The Hobbit hiatus.

As a bonus today I recieved the six episodes of the prequel season of Spartacus - Gods Of The Arena to watch as background information. Not being a big watcher of TV personally, and not having access to the program at home in Asia this is the first I have seen of the series. (Season 02 was delayed and a prequel made in it's stead. So even though this is Season 02 it is the 3rd season of the series that has been made).

And I must say that I am impressed. I have watched episodes 01 to 04 straight with only breaks to cook food, and by the looks of it I will watch the entire season in one sitting - a very rare occurance, even for professional reasons.

Spartacus itself is another "jewel in the crown" of my credit list so to speak, in the last year now that is "Game Of Thrones", "The Hobbit" and now "Spartacus" - all pretty reputable Western credits that add considerable weight to my existing list....


Conan Signs Contract For Another US TV Series

Tuesday, 05 July 2011

Well that says just about all I can say at the moment, you'll just have to wait until I get the go ahead from the publicity departmentto get anymore info.

I think I can safely say that I am very happy to have passed a 'proper' acting audition again, this one with a extra difficulty twist and a short preparation time, and did not just get the role based on my stunt abilities or my physique.


TV Series Auditions For Conan - Learn An Accent Overnight

Tuesday, 07 June 2011

2 new auditions for ongoing TV series this week?

Well not really. One TV series contacted me directly and asked if I was available but unfortunately being on the opposite side of the world and working (for a really nice change) prevented me working on that TV series just now, maybe something will eventuate later.

The other TV series I made contact with quiet a while ago after an actor friend gave me a heads up about some castings they were holding last year.....



Wednesday, 18 May 2011

*Update: Between initial casting and final edit my character was renamed BOLG, who in the Tolkein book is the son of Azog.

I am to play Azog in Peter Jacksons Lord Of The Rings (LOTR) two part prequel "The Hobbit" based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien.


Movie Legend Peter Jackson And Wannabe Legend Conan Stevens 

Since I am under a strict NDA I cannot discuss "The Hobbit" or Azog so you won't be getting any inside behind the scenes stuff, Peter does that anyway, but you will get a lot of inside info on how an actor feels after 24 years of struggle and now working in a major "Hollywood" movie... wait should that be THE major Hollywood movie this year.... in fact wouldn't this possibly be the biggest movie since..... well since ... Lord Of The Rings?

A big budget movie according to many websites - definitely much bigger than the US$500,000 budget for the movie my mates and I produced, directed, filmed, choreographed, etc

Yes, I am very happy. Since I cannot talk about it yet, let us see what Peter himself had to say about it.... 



Monday, 16 May 2011

Go to right now and you can see me featured very prominently right there for every HBO visitor to see. If you miss it, I have a screen captured this copy.


Conan Stevens As Ser Gregor Clegane On Front Page 

Or a full sized version for downloading is here.

To everyone, especially those "friends" who said I would never make it and did not believe in me - guess what? Yeah... it seems I was right. lol 

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