Photos of Conan in Movies

Audition For New French Movie

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

This week I was contacted by a local Agent who is providing people for Auditions for a new French movie to be partly filmed in Thailand, partly filmed in Europe.

Having seen a few pages of the script (for character background and setting) I can see the character, a mercenary, is not a big part, but he does get some lines (Essential. No lines means you are a featured extra, getting lines means you are credited as an actor) and will be in a noticable part in the movie.

So will I take this lesser role than I am currently looking at in my auditions, would it be a step backward for me to take this lesser role? Yes it would.... will I go to the audition and meet the director?

Yes... and here is why... 

Taking a lesser role or a stereotypical big guy role is something I have been very aware of in my career, especially recently as I am getting very interesting expressions of interest from some American, Hollywood, big name movies and studios.

I say interesting as the roles are interesting to me as an actor, the roles are highly suitable, the movies are of the correct genre for me to play in a major role (or at least reasonable recognisable acting role), the backing is interesting as we won't be doing a shoestring budget, a few of the movies I am hoping to get in will be World Wide Release, meaning 'A' grade Hollywwod (which will then allow me to work in various regional movie markets - so I can work in the countries I want to visit), they establish me as a serious actor and provide a good reference for future work.

Lastly a proper western production will provide food!!!! and pay on a timely basis, and the contract will be honoured in appropriate fashion and I won't be treated like a "foreign dog" (or receive similar racially motivated threats) - yes Asia can be less than fun, but never a dull moment.

So with that said why would I consider taking a step backwards in my career to play a quite small (speaking) role?

  1. There is always the possibility that after meeting meeting the Director the role could be expanded
  2. It is a French movie, and likely won't be seen by US audiences.
  3. Travel, there will be several days filming in Europe, in a city that I have friends in, and close enough to visit some very good mates in Paris. That would be a bonus non-financial benefit for me
  4. The several pages I have seen, the role and the dialogue would be exceptionally easy for me to play, and the casting will be very easy as long as my size isn't too much of a problem
  5. The Director then has my details for future movies
  6. It is just talking, and a day of my time, I do not have to accept everything is a negotiation.

So I'll attending the private Audition and then after talking (I bet I am the only 'actor' who goes in there and interviews the Director) can decide the next step.

Being a successful Actor isn't all parties and red carpet event. Like any other business it is the result of careful planning and execution over years.

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