Photos of Conan in Movies
Movies, TV, Film

Quote I Read Today

Monday, 09 May 2011

I read this today on Facebook, and I love it. Very relevant to me right now, well a few weeks ago anyway... :)

If people are trying to pull you down. Be proud about it, because it only confirms that you are above them.


Jimmie Wing Shoots New Conan Portfolio For New Specialty Agent

Friday, 14 March 2014

After years of not being asked for headshots because headshots are useless because my height and physique are the important factors in my castings - the number of times I was called in as an agent sent a photo of my face only to be told "Why didn't your agent tell us you were so tall?" to which the only answer I had was "Because my agent doesn't do his job properly."


Jimmie Wings New Intense Headshot For Conan

So  why did I go and get headshots now? Well the answer was to find a specialty agent where ALL the talent is either very short or very tall - how tall? Well you have to be over 6'6" (198cm).

But wouldn't being listed with a bunch of other tall actors increase the competition and make it harder to get work? As a beginning talent that could be a problem, as an established actor with a certain specific niche (sometimes called a stereotype) this is not something that bothers me.

On top of that the Agency specialises in Fantasy and Science Fiction movie placements.... perfect!


Strength / Weight Training For Women

Friday, 24 April 2009

There are many Strength and Weight training for women programs available on the internet and most, if not all, I say are just junk made to try to sell something to women who are likely to know less about training and supplements than men are.

Now the reality for a strenght or weight training for women routine is that there will not be too much difference from a man's routine who is looking for the same end goals.... 


What Is Wrong With Todays Role Models

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Besides the fact today's Youth are rebelling against their parents established values, same as youth of every generation, todays "Heroes" and "Role Models" are products of entrenched profit driven industries that portray the real world as a fantasy, high living, easy money without effort.

These unrealistic expectations and non-sustainable role models are the real problems with todays youth.

Let me explain... 


Conan Stevens To Appear In ?

Wednesday, 03 November 2010

During my break between filming episodes of HBO's upcoming "A Game of Thrones " I have been hard at 'work' searching the internet, looking for openings and new possibilities. I have found some... and some have found me....

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