Photos of Conan in Movies
Movies, TV, Film

Australia Oct 2007

Wednesday, 07 November 2007

I spent Oct 2007 in Australia working on the return season of Sydney Dance Company's production "Berlin", surprisingly the day that I landed in Sydney it was 2 years and 1 day since I left Australia (meaning that it was 2 years to the day that I had been based in Thailand).

What had changed? How much had I changed? Did I still enjoy Australia? Would I have fun or would I slowly go insane in a non-utopian encroaching police state?


Conan Becomes Famous Part 1 (HBO Viewers Start Here)

Sunday, 08 May 2011

Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly each day creeps by at the moment.... It's like Christmas is coming... but way better.

Tonight, in fact in a few hours I make my appearance on Game of Thrones as Ser Gregor Clegane and I spit on your fan mourned dire wolf death last episode. The Mountain will outclass that.

More importantly this site is about to be hit by a ton of HBO audience who have never heard of me before when I burst upon their screens and the audience screams in unison who was that bastard?

Ignoring Gregor for a minute you can find out who the handsome devil behind the cruel bastard is with not one, not two but FOUR interviews all appropriately timed, imagine that, for my appearance on HBO.

Yes I am as cunning as Tyrion..... 


Fear Of Heights

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Are you scared of heights? Have a fear of heights? Fear of falling? Are you an Acrophobic?I was but I 'cured' it.

Funnily enough for being extremely tall I have always had a fear of heights, having the safety railings at knee height did not help matters either. As a child I would have nightmares that I was falling, I would wake up in a cold sweat many nights with the same falling dream.


Fear Of Heights? Are You Scared? I was.

So in my usual style I had to confront this fear of heights, and beat this weakness that may cause me troubles in my future stunt/acting career....



Top 10 Things You Must Do To Pass An Acting Audition Or Casting

Saturday, 19 August 2006

You have made it into the acting audition, congratulations, this is your first successful step towards landing an acting job. Next you have to impress the casting director (and any others present) enough to get the part, how do you do it?

This is how I do it...


Flying Out Again Today - News Soon

Monday, 25 April 2011

I'm flying out across the world again today, this is the third time now, and yes it is to the same location. And this time I'll be going for almost 2 months.

So putting the pieces together for those who don't keep up with my news regularly:

  1. I am likely going to a location outside Asia (flying 1/2 way around the world)
  2. It must be a big production to keep flying me about
  3. 2 months away would usually indicate at least a reasonable role

Well now what could it be ? Press release and my announcement coming soon.

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