Photos of Conan in Movies
Movies, TV, Film

Top Stuntman Buster Reeves Interview

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Buster Reeves, one of the world's top stuntmen, was interviewed in HBO's behind the scenes series "The Artisans" which you can watch later in this article after I have my say.

I worked with Buster Reeves closely for the fight with Rory McCann in the upcoming TV series (april 2011) from HBO called "Game of Thrones".

Buster is the fight coordinator which means he is responsible for dreaming up the unique fight sequences, taking into account a  ton of details which he explains in this interview.

Better yet for me, Buster drops a rather nice compliment about my abilities... 


Difference Between A Good Actor And Good At Acting

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Seriously has Conan gone off the deep end? Has the stress of too many anxious nights waiting for the "big one" finally gone to his head?

No, and here is a fundamental mistake that I see many young aspiring actors making.

In fact in the last week 3 different people have asked my advice on acting and I have pretty much given the same sermon I am about to give here.

Being a good actor has little to do with being good at the art of acting, though the two are not mutually exclusive. 

*NOTE: This rant is relevant to your occupation too....


Conan's Career As At Jan 2011

Thursday, 06 January 2011

Just recently a good friend suggested that I put a deadline on my acting career, a cut off date where if I had not made it by then that I should give it up and go back to Australia to build my future the traditional way of swapping hours for money in what some people call a real job.

Funnily enough a mutual friend of both of us called last month and said to me, when I was a feeling down,  "Look how far you have come in the last 5 years - Imagine where you will be in 5 years time."

Or should I follow some previous advice and get the heck out of the third world? 

All very good sets of advice so which do I take? Which would you take?

That depends upon where you would believe your career is at. Here's what I am doing.... 


How To Get Auditions From The Internet

Sunday, 02 January 2011

Again while many 'actors' sit around waiting for their agent to call them for a casting I have been at it myself, trying to create my own work. Scouring the web for new possibilities , making my own luck .

This is a lot easier than you might think... well make that it is a lot easier than you think once you have built yourself into a definite niche product with the required skill sets and enough experience to be taken seriously when you make your pitch. Oh yes, did I mention that you have to learn to sell yourself ?


Conan and little green Bangkok buses

Wednesday, 05 July 2006

Forget the Yellow Submarine... lets get the green bus!

Part of the Bangkok Public Transport System these suicidal drivers are often the fastest way to get around. Not being a full sized bus they can squeeze into places and out accelerate full size buses, also since they are still bigger than nearly everything on the road they get right of way.

Green Bus outside

Bangkok Public Transport 

Here I am standing just outside the Green Bus number 14, why am I standing outside the bus?

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