Photos of Conan in Movies

Website Generates Acting Leads

Thursday, 05 July 2007

My first post on this website from the 2nd July 2006 talks about how I am building this site to try to self promote and gain additional acting work in markets that I have not yet entered. ie Hollywood.

Well I can say now that the site is finally starting to pull acting leads, I am starting to receive movie opportunities via the contact form on this site.

Let me go into it further....

Besides actually having met some interesting people and forming a few friendships with site visitors who have offered their help in several ways.

Also the people who have donated a few dollars to help me make it to America.

I am now actually starting to recieve job offers.

Now the first thing to keep in mind is that most of the offers I receive are pure hot air, but every now and then a genuine offer gets mixed in with the crop.

Recently I have been made several acting job offers that I consider to be fair dinkum (real).

  1. Possibility to film a TV Commercial in Los Angeles
  2. BOLLYWOOD action movie

Yes Bollywood, India's answer to Hollywood (movies filmed in Film City qualify as Bollywood, it is a tree studded park in the middle of Mumbai) with more than 800 movies produced per year during the 1990's and with an audience spanning North Africa, the Arab states, Middle East, Southern Russian satellite states, central and east Asia. That is a hell of a big audience.

Not to mention 30% of Bollywoods revenues come from North America.

As you can guess I am rather excited about the possibility to work in Indian movies.

Also if the TVC turns out to be a real offer I will likely take it as it would get me into the US and allow me to spend some time in L.A. in a professional manner - this would help considerably as I do still plan on hitting the US this year for some meetings.

Incidentaly I have also approached a company in the US filming a Horror movie later this year, and have been sent a copy of the script so fingers crossed for that one too. Even though my website did not directly get me the work I do believe having such an extensive site does add to my credibility and the photographic and video evidence of my experience definitely helps make my case stronger as almost no one in the West has seen any of the movies I have worked in.

(UPDATE: The Indian movie turned out to be "Drona" that I did work in, the other opportunities fell through (again, as usual, don't be disheartened.))

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