Photos of Conan in Movies

Conan Scores A Role In The Japanese Movie

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Today I met in Sukhumvit Soi 3 with Ray (Bangkok Adrenaline Director) and Ron (Bangkok Adrenaline Action Director) for a movie casting for a Japanese movie. Upon arrival we met Denji - whom I wrestle with in Bangkok Adrenaline at the beginning of the movie.

Right so all the regulars are here.... 


Upon entering we meet the Thai staff, whom Ray knows very well and Ron also knows seperately, seems I was the odd one out.

Upon chatting it seems that  not only was I recommended by Ray and also by Ron but also by Stef, the Canadian music video producer whom I met on the Thaitanium "Talk Shit" shoot.


We are basically told that since we are know we are not doing a casting as such but meeting with the Japanese client and having some photos taken - in effect we already landed the roles.

As much information as I was able to gather about it is that it will be a Japanese War movie, we will play Americans, maybe Ray may be playing a British officer - he had to do a reading as well - that'll be funny with his German accent. It will be shooting about an hour north of Bangkok and we will be required for 2 or 3 days filming.

The scene is going to be a massive attack, with helicopters, airplanes, explosives, machine gunfire explosives planted in the ground throughout many locations - it is going to be a BIG scene.

All I know about my part is that I will be sitting in a vehicle or turrent or some such due ot my height - which also means I will hopefully get to operate some large guns - my military experience might even come into play here.

Only 2 or 3 days though so it is not a major role, but it will be my first Japanese movie and I will have lines, there will be tons of extras hired on but they needed to organise the actors up front. Wow, that must be Japanese efficiency at work - organising minor actors months out - don't see that in Thai movies too often.

Filming will be in mid-June.


(UPDATE: Not surprisingly it was later deemed that I was too tall to use in a historical war movie and the part went to someone more normal sized).

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