Photos of Conan in Movies

Filming Movies - My Week As An Actor

Monday, 26 March 2007

As an actor you often chase around for auditions and movie roles continually - BUT there is one time when you will always get tons of work... ...when you already have a movie to act in.

This week has been no exception. In the middle of a tight filming schedule for Bangkok Adrenaline I was called in for the Hanuman movie we did an initial casting for about 6 months ago. 

Luckily (in this case only) my part in Hanuman was downgraded from the initial promises of 6 weeks work to only 3 days - get used to broken promises when you work as an actor.

They needed me free for 3 days - 2 of which I was already shooting B.A. Fortunately one of those days was a night shoot. So I told them I had a short day that I could work and a normal (12 hour) day to act as well.


So I signed up for a day shoot followed by a night shoot followed by a day shoot. I managed about 2 hours sleep from the time I started to the time I finished. And food that was non-energising and not quality.


Luckily after that I got in a solid 4.5 hours before we started shooting again the next day.


Currently, and for the rest of the Bangkok Adrenaline movie filming we are shooting outside BKK and as such are ading 4 hours onto our 12 hour shooting day, plus an hour of stuffing around on set after the shooting day finishes. 12 + 4 + 1 = 17hrs a day....

That leaves 7 hours for sleep. Except I have to eat before I go to sleep and upon awakening. Another 1 hour gone. Plus I have to train at the gym too, 1.5 hours a day. If I don't weight train then I get flat and watery, and small as the glycogen drains from my muscles. So for action movies where my physique is important then it is a certainty that I must go to the gym.


That leaves 4.5 hours for sleep every night. Except my girlfriend wants 1/2 an hour of my time - fair enough. 4 hours sleep a night, it's getting very tiring.


Also add in I moved apartments this week too, in my 'spare time'.

And people wonder why I get annoyed (and annoying) on set when they tried to feed me spicy, stinky pig intestine soup with as much congealed blood as you wanted for the rest of the night and no solid food in sight.

BUT I am only an actor.

Between days the Director has to plan the next days filming sequencing, reshedule for unforeseen circumstances and follow up on extras, stuntmen and equipment for next days shooting.

Ray Huber, now taken over as Director after the unforeseen departure of Eric, has been averaging 2 hours a night sleep for the last 4 weeks.

He said for the first 2 weeks he felt like crap, but now he is over that and is just high on lack of sleep all the time, but functional and feels OK.

I reckon on the day we finish it'll only take 2 beers to knock him out and send him into a 48 hour coma.

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