Photos of Conan in Movies

Called Today To Fill In On Indian Movie

Saturday, 21 April 2007

I recieved a call today at 8.30am (Sunday) to go into a movie set from an acting agent I have not heard from for a while. She wanted me to help her out by working on a Indian movie today.

Apparently one of the actors already cast in the Indian movie had a motorbike accident and could not make it, they desperately needed someone to fill in. 

After a brief discussion I rejected the offer to help... why?

Even though I have worked in Delhi, India before on a TVC for the Pepsi Company I have not yet worked on an Indian movie  and I DO want to work in Bollywood movies.

But I refuse to work for Extras pay, low extras pay.

When I first got to Thailand I did work some low paying gigs - but there was a reason for that.

I wanted to be introduced to the Baa Ram Ewe movie production company and I had an invitation from a friend to come and work on the Powerkids movie. Now it is very hard to work with Baa Ram Ewe unless they have worked with you before OR you get a special (personal) invitation. So I took the jobs then to get known within Baa Ram Ewe.

Next week or so I should start shooting with a major role in Som Tam (Som Tum) with Baa Ram Ewe, my initial times paid off well, and I have 2 further offers in the pipeline. These movies will then ensure futher acting work for the future. 

Todays call was to be one of four 'bodyguards' for low paying money, though I do now regret I did not ask which Indian movie production company to see if it was one of the larger well known Indian production houses, that could have been a reason to work.

But then again if they really wanted someone my size they can find me and pay me appropriately. Working in an extras role for extras pay is too big a backward step for my actor career at this point - I could only see it harming any future negotiations, "Oh but you worked for $25 a day with them."

And working in a bit part is still a long way from Bollywood. (UPDATE: Bollywood movies are made in "Film City" in Mumbai, other Indian movies are not Bollywood. I know this as I have worked in Film City twice now and a Production Assistant explained the distinction.)

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