Photos of Conan in Movies

Baa Ram Ewe Film Studio Meeting On Christmas Day

Friday, 22 December 2006

Just got a call - I have a meeting with the big film studio Baa Ram Ewe (Ong Bak, Tom Yung Goong) set for Christmas day.

Being a Buddhist country here we don't have to worry about the commercialised version of Christmas peddled in the West these days. In fact it is work as normal for the local population.... 

... so I have the best Christmas present that I could ask for - a meeting with Baa Ram Ewe for a major film role - HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ME.

The film is scheduled to start shooting mid-year, the fact that they want to meet me so early means that I am being considered for a major role, and parts of the movie will be modified to suit my personal style.

This is the best Christmas present I have recieved yet.

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