Photos of Conan in Movies

Big & Tall Actor - 7ft, Muscular, Stunt Experience, Recognised Actor - Conan Stevens

Official website of 7ft Tall Australian Actor Conan Stevens. I am an actor, and have been a scriptwriter, computer geek, non-competitive bodybuilder and ex-professional wrestling champion.

Since I was 16 years old I wanted to become an Action Movie Star. I joined the Army, I did Karate, some Freestyle Fighting, medieval fighting , and Pro-Wrestling to learn to fight both real and staged combat. I put on 78kg (171lbs) of muscle , danced with a national Ballet and wrote and  co-starred in my own successful cinema release action/comedy movie. Besides a 7 year diversion due to a debilitating nerve injury and a few judicial / military coup delays, everything I have done has had this end goal in mind though I didn't know how to get there.

This website is a weekly chronicle of the struggles and experiences I have had from being a small time actor in Australia, my move into the more active Asian movie scene and my hopes to make a final breakthrough into the 'A' grade US International market - now achieved (Game of Thrones)(Spartacus)(The Hobbit) - and then onto starring in my own movies - and of course finally (after over 20 years) getting paid enough to cover 20+ years of lost wages and expenses trying to make this career work.

On top of all that I personally made this website and I write all the content to market myself Internationally, to grow a grass roots fan base, previously to provide an income to help me survive between jobs and to help others follow their dreams by detailing how I went about it - completely ignoring the standard advice doled out in heaps by others who live lives unsatisfactory to themselves.

The website is now huge with more than 1000 pages of useful information on acting , fitness, muscle gain and living successfully - stay and have a look around if you enjoy the site BOOKMARK me and come back later.

Remember if an Aussie beach bum can make sky high childhood day dreams come true then you can too .

"Don't wish life were easier, wish that you were better" - Jim Rohn

You'll be seeing a lot more of me soon

- Conan :)

Gain Weight - 20kg In 3 Months

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

"How can I gain weight" - the eternal question for teenage boys, footballers and beginning bodybuilders. Also the question that took me from a skinny 70kg long distance runner to todays weight of over 140kg - more than doubling my lean body weight.

21 years ago I started to ask how do I gain weight in earnest, studying every bit of archaic knowledge, the current state of professional nutrition advice and every bit of hearsay we could get our ears around. In the end we decided to follow these following steps.

In 3 months I gained 20kg of weight, mostly muscle!


What To Pack When Travelling Internationally

Monday, 07 January 2008

20 Kgs of luggage allowance and months away from home - what do you pack when travelling?

Often I have seen friends packing way too much stuff in their bags when they are only travelling for 2 weeks . They bring a full backpack, a travel pack and some carry on luggage AND their laptop.... everything but the kitchen sink - just in case they "need" it.

That is too much to pack when travelling, especially when travelling to Thailand or anywhere in SE Asia. Carrying around a whole pile of crap that you do not need or use is a sure way to annoy the heck out of you when travelling, especially if you plan on getting around and seeing the country you travel to.

Here's what to pack when travelling international, or more specifically what I pack... 



Australia Oct 2007

Wednesday, 07 November 2007

I spent Oct 2007 in Australia working on the return season of Sydney Dance Company's production "Berlin", surprisingly the day that I landed in Sydney it was 2 years and 1 day since I left Australia (meaning that it was 2 years to the day that I had been based in Thailand).

What had changed? How much had I changed? Did I still enjoy Australia? Would I have fun or would I slowly go insane in a non-utopian encroaching police state?


Drona Bollywood Movie

Monday, 15 October 2007

Drona, this years big budget Bollywood movie, directed by Goldie Behl, starring Abhishek Bachchan as a superhero, former Miss World Priyanka Chopra will play Abhishek's bodyguard and Kay Kay Menon will play a negative role.

Drona also features Conan Stevens in a..... negative role (read on).

Drona is expected to bring the best special effects yet to date to Indian cinema, and through my involvement, though limited at this stage I can confirm this. Some work is even being done in Australia by a very experienced special effects company that has worked on some absolutely huge Hollywood films....

Abishek Bachchan Dhoom 2              ConanWEB603.jpg

 Drona - Abhishek Bachchan vs Conan Stevens


Fear Of Heights

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Are you scared of heights? Have a fear of heights? Fear of falling? Are you an Acrophobic?I was but I 'cured' it.

Funnily enough for being extremely tall I have always had a fear of heights, having the safety railings at knee height did not help matters either. As a child I would have nightmares that I was falling, I would wake up in a cold sweat many nights with the same falling dream.


Fear Of Heights? Are You Scared? I was.

So in my usual style I had to confront this fear of heights, and beat this weakness that may cause me troubles in my future stunt/acting career....



Bangkok Photographer Jimmie Wing Does A New Portfolio

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

One of the most important tools in an actors bag of tricks is his headshots and bodyshots, also known as his (or her) comp card.

I had Jimmie Wing, a Bangkok based professional photographer recently take some new photos for me.



The photos and link to the gallery are following... 


How To Get Upcoming Movie And TV Auditions

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

How do you find out about upcoming Movie and TV auditions? Especially Movie and TV auditions (or castings) that no one else knows about?

Just in the last few days I have been seperately contacted by producers of 2 seperate USA TV shows and 1 Casting Agent for a Action Movie Role.

Add this to the well connected Casting Agent who contacted me last month for a possible role in a Hong Kong Action Movie and  it seems that the future is very bright.

But how do I find out early about these upcoming Movie and TV auditions?


Why Do I Always Have Bad Luck

Saturday, 15 September 2007

"Why do I always have bad luck", "Bad things always happen to me", "This always happens to me", "Why me?" or as the song goes "If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all".

Why is it some of us seem to be perpetually cursed with bad luck and some seem to have all the pieces in life fall into their lap everytime.

Those with bad luck struggle through life while those with good luck fly through life.

What makes these two groups different? 


Berlin with Sydney Dance Company 2007 Season

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Sydney Dance Company again? Yes, the 2007 return of Berlin.

Today I signed a contract to perform with the Sydney Dance Company, Conan The Ballet Dancer returns for a 3 week season in Sydney followed by a month break (watch my site for a new announcement about this 'break' shortly) then a 1 week season in Brisbane.

After 2 years absence I will be returning to Australia... 


Bodybuilding Photos From Our New Book

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Here are a few bodybuilding photos from our new book. New book? Yep.... 

You may have noticed that I have been rather slack in posting regularly recently, besides going to Koh Pang Nan, Phnom Penh and a week in Pattaya last week I have been busy making changes to the website, mainly adding and testing the new Conan Stevens Video Library.

On top of that I have been negotiating a very interesting deal that I can write about shortly and I have also been working with John Hill  on a new project...

The 200 page Big Book Of Modern Bodybuilding, here are some bodybuilding photos that were taken for the book but not used... 


Finding Time To Train

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

"I can't find time to train" the cry echoes out around us in our busy modern lives. So many people forego thier fitness commitments and allow themselves to become unfit and flabby, yet there are others around us who seem to find the time and get fitter and better looking all the time. 

What is the difference? Where do these people find the time? 


Australian Wrestling Documentary

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Researching some articles for my new video section I came across this documentary on Australian Wrestling.

The interview is with mainly TNT (Greg Bownds) the co-founder and director and head trainer of the AWF wrestling federation.


What Other People Think

Friday, 17 August 2007

The surest way to a life disaster is to care what other people think.  Thinking about what "they" will say about you, what "they" will think about you is going to lead you to a quite decidedly unhappy life of discontent at best.

Talking with a close friend a few weeks ago I found out that he was not going to follow up on a seriously good venture because as he said "What would people think?" 

I'll let you in on a secret that I discovered.... 


300lbs Down To 189lbs Email From A Reader

Monday, 13 August 2007

A reader of this site sent me a detailed email requesting help with loosing fat. Amazingly he has already come down from 300lbs to 189lbs. This alone shows me he is serious and that being the case I just had to reply to his email.

Congratulations and keep up the good work, you can achieve your goals just getting a little more knowledge will make it easier for you...



Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Bangkok Arenaline Movie Trailer is an extreme action stunts and tricking. No wires or ropes everything is real. 90 minutes of the most extreme tricking artists, acrobats, martial arts and stuntmen in the world in this new Bangkok based movie.

Yes it is here the Bangkok Arenaline Movie Trailer has been released at the Bangkok International Film Festivaland I have two versions of the trailer - one a story based trailer and the other a much more exciting action packed  action trailer.

See which one you prefer... 



Benefits Of Bodybuilding / Weight Training

Sunday, 22 July 2007

I was talking with a bodybuilding friend the other day about our lives and how bodybuilding changed the way our lives have gone and the paths we took.  It was rather an interesting reflection, without bodybuilding in my life I would probably be stuck in my hometown working some sort of office job with computers.

The benefits of bodybuilding have been great, for both of us, but today I am going to talk about the benefits that I have personally gained... 


Bad Translations - Thailand Super Porn -

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Q. What could be better than Thai porn?
A. Thailand Super Porn....

Read more... Turns One Year Old

Thursday, 05 July 2007

Happy birthday to my website

Happy birthday to my website

Happy birthday, happy birthday.....

Oh, I'm 4 days late?

Luckily unlike an angry ignored girlfriend my website does not care that I did not have a party or buy it gold, but over the year I can now say that the website is a success...


Website Generates Acting Leads

Thursday, 05 July 2007

My first post on this website from the 2nd July 2006 talks about how I am building this site to try to self promote and gain additional acting work in markets that I have not yet entered. ie Hollywood.

Well I can say now that the site is finally starting to pull acting leads, I am starting to receive movie opportunities via the contact form on this site.

Let me go into it further....


Power Kids Movie

Sunday, 01 July 2007

Power Kids was the movie that got me over to move to Thailand in the first place, hence Power Kids was the first movie that I worked on in Thailand.

Shot Through THe Heart And You

Shot Dead In Powerkids 

The Power Kids movie was already in pre-production and some filming had already taken place when my friend John who had moved over to Thailand 6 months before called me up and told me he had a part in the Power Kids movie, and they were looking for other big guys...

*Update: 2009 release date now official 


Why I Quit My Business And Moved To Thailand

Sunday, 01 July 2007

I quit my business and moved to Thailand 2 years ago. I have been to Thailand 3 times before and last time I vowed that I wouldnever return.

Yet 2 years later I sold up everything and moved to Thailand.

What possessed me to do such a thing? And NO it was nothing to do with a Thai girl... 


Nathan Jones And Conan Stevens In Som Tam

Monday, 25 June 2007

Nathan Jones and I have been working together on the new Action Movie "Som Tam" or "Pattaya Papaya" (Western title I think).

I first met Nathan Jones many years ago now up in the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia but working in Som Tam is the first time we have worked together.

Nathan Jones is HUGE, currently he is not training with weights and has let his bodyweight drop down to more comfortable levels as he said "all the really big guys keep dying early" 

Conan Damian Nathan

Nathan Jones, Damian Mavis and Conan Stevens



New Movie Pilot Filmed With Baa Ram Ewe

Friday, 15 June 2007

I had a few days off filming Som Tam this week and I thought I would get time to eat and train, well I got time to train but not in the way that I was expecting.

The meeting I had with Baa Ram Ewe on Christmas day has finally come to fruition. After a little bit of juggling (possible scheduling conflicts with Som Tam) I was confirmed late Tuesday night to go in on Wednesday to practise a Pilot scene which we would  film on Thursday.

Baa Ram Ewe

Baa Ram Ewe Movie Production House


Som Tam Movie Filming So Far

Friday, 15 June 2007

I have been on set filming the action/drama Som Tam movie over the last few weeks, it has been fun and eventful so far, very well organised and a pleasure to work on with the crew, even the movie extras have been entertaining in their own way.

Som Tam being a full blown commercial production I am going to bring you the bits that I can for now and I'll write a more in depth article and behind the scenes photos when the movie is officially released.

But for now, enjoy...


Movie Extras, What To Do At The Film Set

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Working on the Som Tam Movie set again this week I was reminded of my previous encounters with movie Extras.

Movie Extras are entry level actors or hobbyists who work as crowds and background people in movies. They do not get any lines, they get no camera focus, and they are uncredited (names not shown at the end of the movie) and they don't get to put the movie onto their CV (unless they are lying).

There are several official classifications of movie Extras but the biggest classifiaction differences are in the way each movie Extra acts on set and what he/she does... 


Australian Wrestling on Recovery ABC TV 1998

Monday, 21 May 2007

This is a story that the ABC TV program Recovery did on the IWA and Australian Wrestling back in 1998.

Things were starting to pick up back then for Australian Wrestling, shortly after this we featured on Channel V on three seperate occassions and Fat Pizza twice and there was talk about getting us a regular late night weekly Australian Wrestling spot on TV.

As you can guess we were all very excited about the prospects...


Working As A Stuntman In Thailand

Tuesday, 01 May 2007

I get quiet a few emails from Stuntmen, Actors and Martial Artists from around the world interested in coming to work as a stuntman in Thailand in the movies.

Though it does have some major advantages here like they make about 30 local movies a year, it is an emerging player on the world scene, working on the islands and beaches is fun, this is the new center of action movies for Asia, and the low cost of living here, if you can take advantage of the exchange rate.

There are some major disadvantages and difficulties too, more so if you are a stuntman... 


SFX Cinemas Publicity Show

Monday, 30 April 2007

Last night I was invited to the SFX cinema's publicity show at Siam Paragon, when I arrived the center of the huge shopping mall was full of movie and TV celebrities and reporters of all varieties.

I arrived just in time to be ushered into a photo with the other guys and shareholders of the Bangkok Adrenaline movie, we got our photos taken, some of the organisers were staring at me worriedly... 


Will You Die Before You Even Live?

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

I was talking with a friend today and he started telling me how a very serious health scare had gotten him to rethink his life, he was re-evaluating a few things and taking out more time to enjoy himself - and to look after his health better.

That made me think - I have never been too serious with my life, I have always been out there enjoying it "too much" but how many people are trapped in their lives waiting for the day when they will really live?

How many people will go to the grave never having even lived yet? 


Called Today To Fill In On Indian Movie

Saturday, 21 April 2007

I recieved a call today at 8.30am (Sunday) to go into a movie set from an acting agent I have not heard from for a while. She wanted me to help her out by working on a Indian movie today.

Apparently one of the actors already cast in the Indian movie had a motorbike accident and could not make it, they desperately needed someone to fill in. 

After a brief discussion I rejected the offer to help... why?

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